Interactions and Screens in Research and Education



This work was produced with a modular editorial chain. The texts, metadata and bibliographic references were edited in markdown, yaml and bibtex formats respectively, from which static HTML files were produced. The production script was written in bash and uses the following software and languages: Pandoc (HTML content generation), XSLT (HTML enrichment), BaseX and XQuery (creation of indexes). The contents were edited in a Git repo, hosted by a Gitlab instance of Framagit. The body of the text was formatted in Tufte style, using Jannon font.


At the crossroads of traditional reading practices and new uses linked to digital technology, the augmented works published by Les Ateliers de [sens public] offer a complementarity between print and digital publishing. Conceived by researchers in SSH, the works published by Les Ateliers differ from traditional academic monographs by exploring alternative forms of writing: essays, manifestos, epistolary correspondence, research notebooks, etc. The collection's aim is to propose writing and publishing models that foster conversations between researchers and encourage the reappropriation of knowledge and the editorialisation of published content. Such a model implies the development of an innovative editorial chain, based on free and open-access tools, from Pandoc to GitLab, including Zotero (management of bibliographic references) and (web document annotation).

This augmented publishing is based on a modular publication system that is adaptable to different contents, and which engages one’s attention in a different, disseminated, and distributed way, thus promoting the development of deeper knowledge through leaps of learning. Les Ateliers intend to rethink the role of the publisher and, more broadly, the editorial function itself in order to create, beyond the sole access to content, the right conditions for the appropriation and interpretation of content.

Our technical and editorial choices were made according to five general principles:

Sources and credits

Post-editing and revision of the English version carried out by different teams in two instances:
